Blog Post 6
I don't need the feeling of love I just need the feeling of being trusted and respected. Being trusted and respected isn't one of those things you can get in a split second and then destroy it a minute later. It takes years to earn and seconds to break. I have a lot of people's respect and trust but you have to know who to trust and respect. You wouldn't trust or show respect to someone who lies to you and doesn't appreciate you for you. So most people would leave them alone but no not you. Instead, you want to do the exact opposite and show respect and trust toward them and that's how shit starts that you don't want to start.
People are so unaware of their actions. We think we can just go out and trust anybody that lives. I don't understand why we do that but I stopped trusting people showing the respect they crave daily. I'm one of those people who will give you a chance but if fuck it up you might as well pack your bags, leave my life, lock the door and throw away the key because that door will never be opened for you ever again. I'm not being rude or anything but I've come to realize that the standards I had for others were very low. So I decided to upgrade to the max. It's where I basically don't need to talk to people unless they want to talk to me. I don't hang out with people who are just there to waste my time and not really trying to talk about anything. I definitely stopped talking to people who only want to seem to bring up only the bad things that had happened to me in the past.
People want to assume that I want to be loved and all this other love bullshit when in reality I'm just back here searching for respect and trustworthy people. But that's hard to find nowadays since everybody wants to be like each other it seems. People these days will just fall in love with a random person and not know a damn thing about them but will only remember what they look like. What's the point of all that? Don't people understand they need someone who will understand them and will care for them when no one else will? Or am I just crazy?