Blog Post 46

I wanna say I lived each day as if I was forced to live my life by someone else. But not anymore. I wanna do me and not care about what others have to say. If they don’t like what I end up like or turn out to be that’s their problem, not mine. I’m tired of being forced to do things a certain way when I don’t even wanna pay attention to certain things or people.

People need to just leave me to being me and doing my own shit. I don’t care about others and I never have and I certainly never will. I only care about those that I actually see after school and ask me if they wanna hang out with me. Everyone else can just kill themselves.

I’m tired of having fake people in my life.  It’s just a waste of my time and I don’t have much time to lose on people who are irrelevant. Shit, I’d rather save my time and be with people that I care for and that care for me. Everyone else can just go on somewhere that doesn’t have me being involved in their lives.

We all have different ways of living our lives and I wanna live my life without restrictions and not have annoying people in my life. That’s why I do what I want when I want with who I want. I ain’t about that being tied down to some bullshit by someone. If that ever happens just call the cops cause I think I might have committed a murder.

People should just let people be who they are and let them live. Stop putting labels on others it's so irrelevant and a waste of time.This generation is all about labeling others and it got me bent. Shit let someone label me and I’m gonna go off like I did yesterday at school on some illegal immigrant. I don’t what happens to the people that I fight I have no sympathy towards others whats so fucking ever. Once I throw the first punch be ready to fight back cause I won't be stopping. I’m either going to plan on killing you or just simply wait until I see blood coming out from your body. I’m  not about that stick talking I come into fuck up some commas.

But that nigga had me bent. But I’m not even going to go into that shit right now because it’s hella irrelevant and just so you know I’m actually very proud that I beat his ass. Cause who else would have? No one. Everyone else (teachers) would have just said to him “Please don't say that” and left it alone. Over my dead body that’s not gonna happen while I’m alive. Shit, I’m about that action fucking wasting time with words. Words don’t mean shit nowadays.