Blog Post 78
Going to be talking about 3 topics on this blog so yeah!
I’m really considering on kicking everyone that keeps asking me for shit to the curb even if that means I have zero friends. People wanna ask me for things that they can do themselves such as going to a friends house or anyplace that calls for me to waste my gas basically. I know you have parents so why can’t you ask them? Instead of calling me asking for a ride when you know damn well I live nowhere near you or anywhere close to town. So why do you people who have my number still call me asking for a ride? It makes no sense and it’s a waste of time and gas for everyone quite frankly.
Have you people ever heard of Uber or Lyft? If not then look it up in the app store and download that shit because I promise you for people who rely on others for rides you are the ones who really need to use these apps. It doesn’t take a genius to figure this shit out.
I stay to myself cause I’m the only one who really understands the real me at the end of the day. People think that just because I talk to them or do this thing called “SOCIALIZE” with them they automatically have to think they can ask me about my every day thought and how I’m feeling inside. What? No! I don’t even know what I’m thinking about half the time and I definitely don’t know what I feel inside and how to even tell if I’m even having any feelings towards something. So those two things about me are the most irrelevant things you need to worry about.
I wish people would just understand the fact that I’m not like you. I’m very anti-social when I’m around basic ass people and trump supporter. Now unless you’ve been fucking with me since my past when I went through so much hell and pain then you should already know that I only have respect for you and I can rely and depend on you whenever. So for those basic ass people do me a favor and walk out the door that lead you into my life because I have no use for you and I have no need to build trust and a relationship with someone who is just going to be temporary. It’s going to be a waste of my time and I hate wasting time on temporary people.
I don’t understand why people try or need to come back into my life for? Like are you lost or some shit because last time I checked you were the one blaming me for shit that you did and wanted me to leave so please explain to me why you’re trying to come back into my life knowing that I no longer know of you and don’t even recall having you as a friend. So either you have the wrong person or your memory is really fucked up!
Once I disown you or someone else there’s literally no need for you to hang on to something that you claim we once had because I promise you that I will have no fucking clue as to what you are talking about and will probably think you’re crazy as hell and call the cops on you. So please just stay the fuck away from me if you’re someone who thinks they can just come back into my life after I basically deleted you from my life.