Blog Post 81
Typing this post only because I once had this person in my life who I rather not say there name but the fact that they just asked me “if we can go back to the way we used to be?” upset and triggered the fucked out of me just now and it’s not even 6 a.m. it’s 5:11 a.m to be exact.
Anyways back to the topic. How can I go back to someone who:
1. Couldn’t stop arguing and fighting with me?
2. Who couldn’t trust me even though I was sleeping most of the day and when we did hang out she still said I was hiding something.
3. Fucked me over several fucking time and never admitted to her fucked up behavior.
4. Never really showed me that much respect towards me or my friends really.
So you wanna tell me that you want me to go back to that? Bitch are you crazy? You must be. Thinking I’m going to get myself back into a relationship from hell. Yeah, I’d rather take my chances with a tornado than go anywhere near you or that thing you just called a “relationship”.
That shit you just called a “Relationship” is more like a prison and a death sentence waiting to happen and I honestly don’t need to be wasting my time with something that I have no interest in such as YOU! or a DEATH SENTENCE!
So could you go jump out a plane without a parachute and fucking die while I delete your number from my phone and block you on all your social media?
I honestly don't think I’m being rude or negative about any of this. I just don’t need or want someone who’s negative and abusive in a relationship and by abusive I mean verbally so please don’t get it twisted. I was in a relationship that involved me being verbally abused and disrespected to the point where I said fuck it. So don’t go calling the cops and telling them I’m being abused or whatever it is that cops have to get involved in a situation about a relationship that no longer exists.
I just don’t understand what I did to her to deserve that abuse.
But anyways I’m fucking done with her now and I no longer have to deal with her, her bullshit and her dumb ass friends.