Blog Post 89
Okay is this asshole retarded as fuck or what because he can't seem to stop fucking spamming me with dm's and it's hella fucking annoying? All I ever fucking did was comment "Can someone please impeach this so-called president already" and he fucking @ me and put his two fucking useless cents in and tried to come at me when I fucking came back and put him in his place and told him I'm not in fucking high school so watch who you fucking @ before you get slaughtered and then I blocked him.
I honestly don't get why he had to fucking add me on everything but it's hella strange and creepy for me and once again I blocked his ass. I'm sorry if you don't like me because I'm not a Trump supporter or whatever the fuck but you being hella creepy on my social media and direct messaging me is very unnecessary.
Here is where my point of view comes in so enjoy!!!
- FACT 1: I didn't report your ass I fucking blocked it.
- FACT 2: No shit I'm not about that high school life. Um hello, I fucking graduated.
- FACT 3: Giving my opinion on trump is not a "VERBAL ABUSE" and putting an opinion on something isn't a threat.
- FACT 4: There was no truth to be told.
- FACT 5: There wasn't even a problem, to begin with, you fucking made it a problem by @ me and putting in in your useless opinion.
- FACT 6: It's actually people like you who we should worry about
I'm also going to talk about the fact how this fuckhole sent me a message on facebook and I was so fucking heated cause I don't ever check my facebook messages and to fucking find his name I had to make snap about it because that's how fucking heated I fucking was. I'm not sorry for any of the shit I did to this person cause the only shit I remember doing is commenting on @nochill Instagram post and then I see he fucking "tried" to come at me.
I wish this fucking asshole would hop off my dick and go get some pussy cause my ass ain't with that gay shit. I don't know if he is or what but if he comes to where I am his ass will get shot!!!