Blog Post 157

Fuck You

Honestly what more can I say? I'm sorry you thought I was kind and nice but in reality, I'm not. I simply mind my business and only respond if it's worth my time. So you saying I'm ignoring you and being disrespectful is kind of out of pocket when you simply just didn't catch my interest. So with that being said stop blowing up my phone, and get a fucking life because I promise you, you don't want me to expose your shit and leak your address.

Some of you just need to understand I really don't care as to what you say or do to me but I will remember it and deal with it in my own way with or without your approval. So if your shit gets hacked, leaked, exposed, or fucked basically that's out of my jurisdiction because I told you not to fuck with me and I'm not going to repeat myself just to prove a point. I'll have my point proven within the next day or within a few days depending on the schedule and how upset I am.

I'm not the type to let some nobody tell me how to act or be just because of my race and if you think I am you might want to take a seat and take notes, because the way I process and react to things it's a bit aggressive and deadly and I don't care who gets in my way. That's why when I go out I always have my earbuds in because knowing some of the people in my town they're bound to say something and I'll end up throwing a pocket knife at their eye. It just makes it easier for me to stay out of jail/prison at the moment.

I keep telling people I don't like them or people in general and what do they do? They invite me to parties and social gatherings. My guy did you not hear what I just said? I swear it's like some of these people are tone-deaf or something close to it because no matter how many times I try to explain why I don't like people they wanna ask well have you tried this and that? Um bitch I've tried everything there is other than drugs and I still don't like people.

Me not liking people can't be something I can just change overnight. No there's a list of reasons why I don't like people. Shit, I don't even like myself half the time. But it comes from being lied to, cheated on, disrespected, accused of things I didn't do oh, and let's not forget about bullying all because of my race and for being adopted at a young. So if you can somehow make all that disappear and make me forget that it ever happened then maybe I can have a positive outlook on people but since you can't I'll keep on having negative opinions on people and the human race its self.