Blog Post 168
Just Annoying
Why do these leaches feel the need to block and unblock me for? Like damn you're just going to end up getting blocked again! So stop bothering with me. I don't talk to people from my past. After I decide to bock your ass and put the time to doing so your ass should be moving on and not having any knowledge of me. Stop thinking about me and thinking that I'm thinking about you because I'm not. I got better shit to do then to remanence over someone who meant nothing to me.
I don't care about others nor do I have the time to and I sure as hell never show any feelings towards others. So why do you bother getting pressed about me blocking you when you were just a someone temporally filling in for someone. Go to hell thinking I was ever a friend of yours. I hinted out so many signs that I was unfriendly and yet here you were choosing to ignore them. Now look at you being pathetic and texting me asking why I blocked you. What a shame you had ask me that instead of just remembering.
Now that I got that out the way! I just want to say... I should've never texted you the way that I did. I understand that it wasn't very civil of me but when someone who you thought you knew and were willing to grow with ends up disrespecting you like you meant nothing after years worth of communicating it really just shows your true colors and the feelings just tend to fade away.
Every time you texted me I felt annoyed but deep down inside part of me cared. I wanted to tell you that I was sorry and maybe we could just not text one another for a while. But it didn't end up being that way! You called me a racist over something that wasn't even about anything. I tried to explain why I stopped talking to you but you just blocked me before I could get the chance to hit send. So why would I ever bother with a person who only cares to see one side of the story?
There was never any breathing room when it came to you. I understand I took a lot of time to distance myself from you but yet you still managed to somehow get in touch with me knowing damn well I had you blocked. But the one night I decide to unblock everyone your text ended up showing up. So I figured I'd give it a go and see what you had to say and sure enough shit went south fast as hell. It's clear there's nothing left to talk about between us two so let's just go our separate ways.
I really wished things didn't have to go down the way they did but life happens and you tend to just grow apart on either good or bad terms and for us it was on bad terms. Theirs just too much damage between us two to fix. So let's just cut to the chase and call it what it is.. it's over between you and I!
Please don't think I hate you because I actually don't. I just don't think us being friends could ever work out. Not even in the next year or three. I'm being realistic here so just hear me out. It's almost as me meeting you was a mistake but it never felt like it until now.
I'm not sure if we could ever fix the mistakes we made but with my guess I'd say it's a no for now due to everything that was said and went down.
The bad is still very much present and it'll never die down until the both of us can come to an agreement on where we stand. I already have an idea of where we stand but knowing you and how you are on holding grudges it's going to be completely different and I respect that. But don't attempt to say sorry just to be done with it.
If you ever plan on saying sorry to me please just keep it to yourself unless it's a meaningful one. I hate hearing people telling me they're sorry when they're not. It just makes me feel like you're looking for something else other than a truce and I just can't be a part of that especially when it comes to you.