Blog Post 178
I Should Have Known Better! It hurts knowing I did my best to get it right with you just for you to tell me there was another person in the mix. I'm not sure what to do or say right now. I just thought that things could last but I was a fool for thinking that when it came to you. I just wish you would've been upfront the day I asked to be friends. It would have saved me so much time and money if you would have been upfront with me! I should have listened to my friends and blocked you the day you caused me to overthink everything I do. I wish I knew what your intentions really were. But from everything that I analyzed, it was only about the money and nothing else. It sucks I got played and used just for that. I really thought I was making things right and doing my best to treat you right. But I guess you never cared about my doings and what you meant to me. I will never forgive myself for how well I treated you and how much I opened up to you just for you to make me bad the guy ...