Blog Post 285
I Had a Bad Day... But That's Okay!! So for starters I'd like to point out it was my fault and nobody else's for every thing that happened today. I got distracted and fixated on the breakup that was taking place and ended up losing focus. I should've just done the same thing I always do and go completely numb to avoid it all and I definitely should've stayed off my phone. The only phone being in my hands while at work will no longer be happening. Things just always seem to go wrong when I look at it and I'm tired of having things go wrong when I'm at work and having to explain the situation and be lectured about it. I'd like to take this time to fully apologize to myself & the individual that was involved for me being myself and tearing myself apart to where I had a complete mental breakdown and was crying to the point of no return. I got scared and lost my cool and forgot what my job had consisted of at the time of me breaking down. I got scared whe...