Blog Post 331
Just Another Heartbreak Heard Around the World
You know exactly what it is you do so just walk away and let me fall! You do it way too often for me to see the good in you but I still hold on to you thinking there’s something worth holding on to! But in reality, I’m just causing myself more pain than comfort and I’m okay with it at this point!
I think the pain is what keeps me around even though I know the things you do aren’t really good for me! I just hate the thought of letting go knowing I’ll regret the thought of losing you! Someone like you can easily bury me 6ft under and I wouldn’t care to wonder as to why it happened!
It’s just sometimes I feel like it’s easier to walk away and let you be but then I think to myself that you’re still mine so I run back and figure things out with you! I hate the feeling of being a waste of time and space but at the same time that’s all I feel when it comes to you and I know it’s not right for me to say or feel like that but I just feel like there’s more to us than what's been presented to us right now! I don’t know I’m just going through all the emotions right now and I can’t seem to get any of them in order!
I see you one day and I think you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me and then you say some shit that makes me wonder if you’re really right for me or if this is just another way of god telling me to get out before it’s too late! There's just so much going on between us two that I just need for time to stand still so we can have a moment to ourselves and figure this shit out without the feeling of being rushed!
You’re the only one I’ve ever felt like this with in a long time and I know I can’t save myself from the pain you brought my way but I can definitely save you from the tears your eyes let out! But other than that it’s not my place to tell you anything else! I just want you to be you but not the version where you go around hurting others especially when it comes to me!
I just feel as if I walk away from this and everything we’ve been through then nothing will ever really change or get better when it comes to being with someone new! I’ll only feel worse about the things I do and feel when it comes to them! I’ll probably never get over the thought of you so I’ll end up self-sabotaging myself and the things I have just so I can stop having to feel bad about myself knowing me self-sabotaging is already bad enough!