Blog Post 176
I Just Have Too Much On My Mind I’m not programmed like you … I don’t think or do shit the same way as you. I’ve got trauma running through my veins where certain things trigger me to dissociate and it makes me get angry 0-100 where I tend to fight. So don’t ever think I’m the same as you bc I’m far from it! I’m the type to catch feelings for someone and not tell them for months to a years bc I’m not trying to rush into something that’ll never work. I usually tell someone I had feelings for them after they no longer peak my interest. That way it’s not so awkward and we can continue being whatever. You might’ve been the one tbh but the way you respond and acknowledge shit just isn’t worth my time. It’s always a waiting game with you and I’m just not into games. Me being able to open up to someone takes a lot out of me. It’s never easy being vulnerable and opening up about my feelings. It’s always a back a forth scenario where sometimes all I feel like doing is drowning. I don’t understa...