Blog Post 286
Just Chilling in a Room Full of Unwanted Thoughts Sometimes I feel like there's nothing more I can do when it comes to people and their shitty situations so I sit back and let them do there own thing. I try so hard to do all I can but I find myself draining everything out of me to help them just to see them end up back in the same spot as before and I'm simply tired of it. I don't understand a lot of things in this world and I don't really plan on getting it right all the time but for someone to be in my life thinking I'm just going to hand them all the answers to there needs is insane. I'm still trying to process all the shit going on in my own world so what makes them think I can be any use / of help to them? I swear I'm not trying to rude or disrespectful but holy fuck can I just chill and not have to deal with other people and there shitty situations for a few days and go about my life? I'm good in life and I have all the things I need so why are the...